Blog Update and Explaining This Current Hiatus

If anyone still reads this blog, hello!

Admittedly, it is a little hard to tell right now on Blogger where spam bots end and actual readers begin - if you have a blog too, you might know what I'm talking about. When I started this blog, I had very few hits at all, and over the months I've seen the hit count for each post rise nicely. I hope that means there are some actual readers of this blog and if you are indeed real people, thank you most sincerely for reading my posts! I'm so glad you're interested in Korean dramas and are curious what I have to say about my favorites.

When I originally came up with the idea to do this blog, I wanted it to be a supplement to my regular asexuality blog, The Asexual Geek. I've been running that blog for over four years now, and so it's been a lot easier to run it even during my busy schedule, since I've grown very accustomed to its update schedule. Adding another blog into the mix, however, proved a lot harder, hence the very lengthy amount of time that has passed since my last update. In fact, I even intended to inform you about this little hiatus several months ago, and even sitting down to write that post proved too much.

So yes, this blog has obviously taken a bit of an unplanned hiatus while I was working on other projects - not just my regular blog, but also something else related to Korean media. In fact, if you're familiar with Korean media at all, you may have heard of a little group called BTS, and over the past year I have been cultivating a YouTube channel dedicated to them. I have had a ton of fun with that channel so far, but between this, my other blog, and my day job, it's been a lot, hence this blog's unintentional hiatus.

Even worse, my busy schedule has actually kept me from watching K-Dramas! I work during the days and spend my evenings catching up on my various projects, which means that I encouraged my K-Drama watching mates (aka - my parents) to go ahead and watch new K-Dramas without me. While I have plenty of dramas I've watched previously that I can - and will - discuss, the fact that I haven't even had time to actually watch the genre I'm writing about is proof to me of how thin I've been spread lately.

Admittedly, I really wasn't sure when this hiatus would end, and even more admittedly, I'm still not quite sure. My schedule is still a bit chaotic, and I have both other deadlines and real-life plans that are going to be taking precedent over the next several months. Thus, I can't make any promises on when I can or will update this blog. However, recently I found a little bit of a break in my schedule to get back to watching some K-Dramas. As I said, my parents are my K-Drama partners in crime and they've watched several other series over the past several months, many of which they've liked and a few of which they've recommended we rewatch together. Watching these dramas has reminded me (as if I needed a reminder) of all the things I love about the genre, and you can bet I've had thoughts that I'd love to share here. 

So, although this is not an end to the hiatus, it's also not an end to the blog. I'm here to say that, rather than update on a regular schedule like on my main blog, I have decided that this blog will simply be updated sporadically. I've also decided that I might not post a review for every single K-Drama I watch, but rather the ones that I love the most or that are most relevant to the theme of the blog/what I want to discuss. That will free me up to even more enthusiastically talk about my favorites and why I love them so much. I'd like to try and update at least once a month, but that may not prove possible. Either way, I will update when I can, as often as I can - and perhaps down the road I can get back to an every other week update schedule like with the original blog. But for now, I think this is the best and wisest way to do things.

Please accept my sincere and heartfelt apology for the way I started and then abandoned this blog. But I hope you'll look forward to my reviews in the future and that this new approach works best for everyone! In the meantime, please consider checking out my main blog, The Asexual Geek, if you haven't already!

Happy K-Drama watching!

- Rachel, The Asexual Geek


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